# Contributor Guide You need to be legally allowed to submit any contribution to this project. What this means in detail is laid out at the [Developer Certificate of Origin](https://developercertificate.org) website. The mechanism by which you certify this is adding a `Signed-off-by` trailer to git commit log messages, you can do this by using the `--signoff/-s` option to `git commit`. ## Changelog Significant changes should appear in the [ChangeLog](changelog). To that end, contributors must create a changelog entry using [Towncrier](https://towncrier.readthedocs.io/) and the appropriate category. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). The syntax to create a changelog entry is the following: ``` poetry run towncrier create -c "Added a cool feature" issuenumber.category.md ``` Where `issuenumber` is the issue number in Github, and `category` is one of: - `security` in case of vulnerabilities - `removed` for now removed features - `deprecated` for soon-to-be removed features - `added` for new features - `changed` for changes to existing functionality - `fixed` for any bug fixes For example: ``` poetry run towncrier create -c "Added a cool feature!" 42.added.md ``` If the change does not fit into any category, prefix the filename with a "plus", for example: ``` poetry run towncrier create -c "A fix without an issue number!" +something-unique.fixed.md ```