Source code for fmn.consumer.consumer

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Contributors to the Fedora Project
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import asyncio
import logging
from concurrent.futures import wait

from aio_pika.exceptions import AMQPConnectionError
from fedora_messaging import message
from fedora_messaging.config import conf as fm_config
from fedora_messaging.exceptions import Nack
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession

from ..cache import configure_cache
from ..cache.rules import RulesCache
from ..cache.tracked import TrackedCache
from ..core import config
from ..database import async_session_maker, init_async_model
from ..database.model import Generated
from ..rules.requester import Requester
from .send_queue import SendQueue

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Consumer: def __init__(self): # Load the general config if fm_config["consumer_config"].get("settings_file"): config.set_settings_file(fm_config["consumer_config"]["settings_file"]) self._rules_cache = RulesCache() self._requester = Requester(config.get_settings().services) self._tracked_cache = TrackedCache(requester=self._requester, rules_cache=self._rules_cache) self.send_queue = SendQueue(fm_config["consumer_config"]["send_queue"]) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._ready = self.loop.create_task(self.setup()) if not self.loop.is_running(): self.loop.run_until_complete(self._ready)
[docs] async def setup(self): # Connect to the database await init_async_model() # Start the connection to RabbitMQ's FMN vhost await self.send_queue.connect() # Caching and requesting configure_cache()
def __call__(self, message: message.Message): log.debug("Consuming message %s", coro = self.handle_or_rollback(message) if self.loop.is_running(): # We're running with Fedora Messaging >= 3.3.0, that uses asyncio # for its reactor. wait([asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.loop)]) else: self.loop.run_until_complete(coro)
[docs] async def handle_or_rollback(self, message: message.Message): await self._ready log.debug("SQLAlchemy pool status: %s",["bind"].pool.status()) # Get a database session async with async_session_maker.begin() as db: # Process message await self._handle(message, db)
async def _handle(self, message: message.Message, db: AsyncSession): await self.refresh_cache_if_needed(message) if not await self.is_tracked(message, db): log.debug("Message %s is not tracked", return if message.deprecated: # The sender will also send the message with the new schema, don't duplicate # notifications. return notifications = set() for rule in await self._rules_cache.get_rules(db=db): async for notification in rule.handle(message, self._requester): notifications.add(notification) # Record that the rule generated a notification db.add(Generated(rule=rule, count=1)) # Send the deduplicated notifications for notification in notifications: await self._send(notification, message) async def _send(self, notification, from_msg): log.debug( "Generating notification for message %s via %s",, notification.protocol ) try: await self.send_queue.send(notification) except AMQPConnectionError as e: log.error( "Could not send notification for %s via %s: %s",, notification.protocol, e, ) raise Nack() from e
[docs] async def is_tracked(self, message: message.Message, db: "AsyncSession"): # This is cache-based and should save us running all the messages through all the rules. The # tracked messages will still run though all the rules though, so this could be improved I # suppose, maybe by changing the cache datastructure to point each entry in the cache to the # rules that produced it. tracked = await self._tracked_cache.get_value(db=db) for msg_attr in ("packages", "containers", "modules", "flatpaks", "usernames"): if not set(getattr(message, msg_attr)).isdisjoint(getattr(tracked, msg_attr)): log.debug("Message %s is tracked by %s",, msg_attr) return True if message.agent_name in tracked.agent_name: log.debug("Message %s is tracked by agent_name", return True return False
[docs] async def refresh_cache_if_needed(self, message: message.Message): await self._rules_cache.invalidate_on_message(message) await self._tracked_cache.invalidate_on_message(message) await self._requester.invalidate_on_message(message)