Source code for fmn.cache.util

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Contributors to the Fedora Project
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from import Callable, Iterator
from functools import cache as ft_cache
from functools import partial
from typing import Any

from cashews import cache
from cashews.formatter import get_templates_for_func, template_to_pattern
from cashews.key import get_func_params

from ..core import config

[docs]def configure_cache(**kwargs): settings = config.get_settings() args = (settings.cache.setup_args or {}) | kwargs cache.setup(settings.cache.url, **args)
[docs]@ft_cache def cache_arg(arg: str, scope: str | None = None) -> Callable[[str, str | None], Any]: """Generate a cached function for cashews decorator arguments. The purpose of this is to evaluate the settings late (i.e. the first time a decorated callable is called), so customized settings can be applied effectively.""" @ft_cache def get_cache_arg(*cached_fn_args, **cached_fn_kwargs) -> Any: settings = config.get_settings() if scope: try: return getattr(getattr(settings.cache.scoped_args, scope), arg) except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass return getattr(settings.cache.default_args, arg) return get_cache_arg
cache_ttl = partial(cache_arg, "ttl") lock_ttl = partial(cache_arg, "lock_ttl") def _get_pattern_for_cached_calls_iter(func: Callable, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> Iterator[str]: # This is taken from cashews.validation.invalidate_func(), minus the actual deletion part. This # allows making decisions on the (cached) return values. values = {**{param: "*" for param in get_func_params(func)}, **kwargs} for template in get_templates_for_func(func): yield template_to_pattern(template, **values)
[docs]@ft_cache def get_pattern_for_cached_calls(func: Callable, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> list[str]: return list(_get_pattern_for_cached_calls_iter(func, **kwargs))